Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Praise Report Alert!

Last Monday, I went to the doctor to tell him how wonderful this healthcare initiative is working on my reduction of weight and inches. That was my plan. To make a long story short, I spent most of Monday as an outpatient at Mercy Hospital West!

Over the past year... since the pancreas attack, I've experienced varying degrees of pain. Based on the symptoms, acute pain, the hardness of the area during the doctor's physical examination; I was told there was a large mass in my abdomen. I had a CT scan that day that showed a cyst on top of my pancreas. An appointment was scheduled for today to determine a plan of action for treating or removing it.

Praise be to Daddy God, the cyst is of no consequence. It actually is no bigger than the barrel of a writing pen! There is some inflammation in my abdomen. I will use some medications over the next couple of weeks to help determine what truly is going on.

I thank the Lord for all the prayer warriors that keep me lifted up whether they know what's specifically happening with me or not. Oh magnify the Lord with me and let us exalt His name together! Praise the Lord with me!

All is well and my health is being restored day by day! Hallelu-JAH!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Just when you think you've blown it; something amazing happens to remind you that God is on your side... looking out for you... making the difference. He really does reward our smallest efforts!

Let me explain. Over the weekend I was baby-sitting and from my last post you know that I ate traditional baby-sitter food. Limiting my portion size and eating those foods early actually kept me on track. I could not weigh in until I returned home. Guess what... I actually LOST weight! Go figure!

Moderation - portion control and timing - eating early, apparently gave my body time to process what I ate and used it for fuel instead of fat storage. Now don't worry. I'm not going to use this as an excuse to eat things that are not as healthy for me. (Don't follow that example, it might not work the same way for you!)

There is such a spiritual implication here. Often as we strive to do our best; to live changed lives, something creeps up on us that we did not anticipate and we slip. We think it was a huge fall. Self-condemnation... guilt and anxiety overwhelm us as we think, "I blew it... again!" Then the Lord shows up and let's us know that He saw our efforts to do right and He balances the scale! God is on our side. Go figure!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Fail to Plan - Plan to Fail

Your Body, His Temple is really off the ground. WOW! What a great response we have enjoyed. I am excited. This healthcare initiative is one of the greatest challenges of my life. It's time for change. All of us seem to know it as a family and individually. We know that there's more to us and to our ministry than what we have experienced. I want to cooperate with Our Father... even when I fail to do so.

We want to grow beyond where we are now. Well, not my waistline, PLEASE ...or any other part of my natural body, just in case I need to be specific! I have great anticipation and expectation about the future. Wondering what tomorrow will bring. Wondering if I really have what it takes to obey... to follow through this time without giving up or making excuses for why the plan is not working... why I'm not working the plan. Ouch!
When I fail to plan properly for the way I will eat... like today and end up eating  McDonald's oatmeal, two servings of chips (18), cheesy potato vegetable soup, veggie pizza, ginger ale and grape juice in one day; it is obvious that I planned to fail. Unplanned eating got the best of me. 

Apologies if that messes with your image of my resolve. I'm not giving up though. I did measure amounts... ate before 7PM and will make sure I do some additional exercises but I really hate having to lose a few of the same pounds that it took me so long to get rid of!

This time I know what happened; my schedule was interrupted. I did not have time to buy the groceries needed for the change in plans this weekend. The thing is, my schedule can get thrown off at any point. I have to figure a way to get good foods when I'm on unfamiliar territory. Guess I needed my Champion huh? The kicker is, the food eaten did not even satisfy my appetite! My body is still hungry for its normal fruits, veggies and protein shakes.

I'm not sure what is challenging you right now... what questions you may have about jumping on and staying on the bandwagon for a healthier you. Just be encouraged to stay in the race. In at least a couple of places specifically and as a thread throughout the Bible, we are told; "the just shall live by their faith." Know that the race is not given to the swift or the strong but to the one who endures to the end. If you are like me and took a dive off your plan, join me and let's get back on it again. 

In the old days, my mama would say, "You pray for me and I'll pray for you; that is the way God's children do!" WE ARE GOING TO MAKE IT! WE WILL REACH OUR GOALS!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Lost vs Loss

In a little less than a month I've lost 15.5 inches and 4.6 pounds. Those figures only reflect what's happening on the outside of me... my physical being. There's so much more to the lost weight than inches and pounds. Can you walk with me for a few moments as I talk about the journey?

I had a tremendous fear of starting this Healthcare Initiative - Your Body His Temple... especially when the team asked me to be the prototype of what our family could do. I never want to disappoint anyone... let them down. The skit was a hit and momentum started. Wednesday, the first part of the trilogy; April, Don't Be a Fool along with the challenge let me know we were on the right track. I lost the fear of the program being a failure or flop. The weight of the program lifted from me. That should be worth several stress pounds!

In the midst of kicking off Your Body His Temple, I suffered a loss. My former husband of 18 years died of cancer on Thursday, April 14th. We've been divorced for nearly 13 years. Yet, my heart broke and in the wee hours of this morning the pain of what our lives should have been together is weighing me down. I'm working hard to stay on track because emotional stress is a major trigger for me. 

I am trying so hard to be a different woman - a better on the outside and working ...exercising my faith to be a different woman - a better woman on the inside. It hurts to say no to my favorite comfort foods right now. It's uncomfortable to exercise when I'd rather curl up in a ball and just cry. It would be so easy to self-medicate by pigging out but I can't do that. 

Life is painful at times. Jesus said, in this world we would have trouble but the statement doesn't end there. He completed the thought by saying; BUT be of good cheer because I have overcome the world! I refuse to sorrow as a person without hope. Yes, I am grieving on a number of levels... angry on a few others and sensing a loss that without the love of God, the blood of Jesus and the sweet communion of the Holy Ghost would be burying me right now. 

All I can do is work to lose the physical weight as I work to loose the emotional weight.When I can dodge a hysterical meltdown in 4 hour increments or more, that will be progress.

Have you lost anything? Are you experiencing the loss of something or someone? Don't give up! The scale may not say what you want it to for a very long time. The inches may stubbornly gnaw at your resolve but don't quit! The lack of anticipated results today does not mean you won't reach your goal. Set some milestones to celebrate along the way.

 My weight mile markers are set for every 15 or 10 pounds, alternately. This way I can push myself and reward myself when progress seems slow.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Temptation Alert! Way of Escape Where Are You?

Whatever determination we make to live healthier lives - spiritually, physically or emotionally, that determination will be met with a temptation to back peddle. Sometimes we can make it past the first or even the second attempt of our enemies to make us give up. 

Last weekend I went to Cheesecake Factory and some barbecue restaurant to celebrate birthdays. I stuck with the low calorie menus monitored what I ate prior to those outings and refused dessert! On Monday, I even grabbed a friend and walked around Gray's Lake!

There are times when it seem like if I pass a test; the next one is harder. The enemy of my soul doesn't just give up the fight with a few victories on my part! 

Wednesday Night was a BLAST as we kicked off the Healthcare Initiative called Your Body, His Temple. So many responded well to the message and followed up with action - either walking up to a mile around the Sanctuary or completing a series of chair exercises inside the Sanctuary. You know I was a proud big sister, right?

April 14th, Thursday morning at 10:15 AM my former husband died of cancer. Since Thursdays are late meeting days for me, I did not get the word until a little after 8:00 PM; while driving! First I was hysterical, inconsolable ...anything and everything but hungry... until Friday.

I wanted to stay at home and cook up everything in the cupboards and refrigerator. Cooking is my first natural response to stress. Although I did not sleep most of the night, staying at home was not the best option for me. My escape, Cornerstone. I went to work... prayed and cried, got very little work done but stayed on my plan.

Yesterday, I wanted to be kept. Not sure what tomorrow will bring but I am praying and asking that you join me. I need a way of escape each day. I need it to be broad and well lit... a neon sign pointing to it with sirens and infomercial instructions would be a nice touch!

Any temptations threatening to destroy your progress? Remember the promise of Our Father. He said with each temptation He would provide a way of escape so we could handle it. Plan for the fact that temptations will come to check your resolve by identifying escape routes. Ask, cry out, scream for help when you need it.

NOTE: By the way I've lost 1.6 lbs between Wednesday and Friday mornings. I won't despise small beginnings. I am going in the right direction! 

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Your Body His Temple - Day 4

Starting the journey! For the month of April I will journal ...share my joys and struggles in developing a healthy lifestyle. Let me tell you what's happening...

This is my first official week. I walked a mile and participated in an exercise class Tuesday evening. I am exercising at home with tips from the Healthcare Initiative Team. They are a tremendous support group. If you choose to participate in upcoming events you will see the blessing they truly are! My struggle with exercise starts and ends with my back and knees. I can still come up with every excuse for not doing this. However, the knowledge that "YOU" are watching me is quite an incentive! My concentration is abdomen reduction. Get rid of that belly fat! Oh yeah, that's where I carry it. I am lifting 4lb weights and using exercise bands. I wonder where that exercise ball rolled off to? LOL! Well, I'm sure it will turn up.

Last year, my pancreas attacked me. Since that time, I've had problems digesting meat. At this time I can only eat fish without getting sick. Fruits and vegetables are my friends! I am  adjusting to a modified vegetarian diet quite nicely. I don't eat fish everyday - first because of the mercury and second because I don't want to get to the point where my system won't tolerate it.

Nutrition is more than just the food I am eating or eliminating from my diet. I am incorporating protein shakes and bars, a dietary supplement - multivitamin, and a stress relief complex - works directly on belly fat that comes form tension. I know you can't imagine that I would have stress in my life! RIGHT?

"There's more going on than what you see!" That's a quote from Pastor Dan. Based on that thought, I wondered... asked God, "Why can't I lose... loose this weight and keep it off?" It's not like this is my first battle with ...let me just say it, "obesity." Whether I acknowledge it or try to hide from it, there's something beneath the surface happening. 

In my journey towards freedom, I am engaged in a bible study using the book and workbook by Liberty Savard entitled, "Shattering Your Strongholds." 

I'm not sure how this online journal of my private life is going to go but I hope you will keep an eye on it. Pray for me and join the journey. Having my legs spasm out on me in the pulpit was first embarrassing but the best wake up call I could have received. My body is His (The Lord's) Temple. He cares what I do with it. Your body is His Temple also. We can get healthy together!

Challenge - Day 6

Okay! What's up with my scale. I am following my plan... upholding my end of the bargain. My clothes feel lose as a matter of fact I just bought a workout outfit a full size smaller than normal. BUT, my scale shows such a small loss until it's hardly worth mentioning.
In two days I've been invited to dinner outings that I really needed to... wanted to participate in. The first, Friday and guess where? The Cheesecake Factory! How much temptation can any one person bear? You would be proud of me... I hope. I ordered a breakfast w/ no meat and water but NO CHEESECAKE... not even a taste! Okay, I did eat one stuffed mushroom and 1 avocado wrap appetizer but a girl has to have some fun on girl's night out. 
I came home and worked out with my exercise bands. It's becoming normal.